Jetie Custom Night Roster is Complete

(Aka Patch 0.1.0)

Removed 50/20 Challenge as now it's kinda useless due to a new feature I added

The "no changes" page on challenges is gone, it will show just the challenges instead

Bonking Vi With the shovel was decreased [30 timer -> 15 timer] * So you couldn't just cheese her as hard

Boxx [Fox] can now appear at cam 11


Challenges now actually can apply to the page 2 characters

Challenges other than 50/30 now actually works (Night 1 - Night 5)

Also with challenges you can set a direct amount (up to 1000) * though 30 is still the intended max lol

Added Plant (Page 2)

Added Detective June (Page 2) * This means the roster is officially finished (Originally going to be 24, but now there are 50 characters)


Fixed an error with buying the shovel

Fixed an error where clicking the mini freezer on the left side would just make it go to the right side.

Fixed errors with the shovel, basically hitting every character that can be hit with the shovel

Pulling out the shovel can will make dice go away

Fixed Going backwards on challenge 1 would make it go to the last challenge instead of the no changes page

Fixed Vi starting at a random angle

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